Friday, March 11, 2011

Probably time for James to move on to the next wife

In Cook County Illinois, Natalie has filed for legal separation from James.  A screenshot of the relevant page is posted here.

Source  (Under Division Name, select 'Domestic Relations/Child Support' and in the name field, type 'Ference')

Good luck getting that child support Natalie.  He can't support the two children he has from known marriage #2.  Congrats on getting away from that psychopath.  I wonder who he's establishing a relationship with now?  And based on his history, I'm sure he is.  Hopefully they'll do a google search of his name and find this page. 


Unknown said...

Ñot that i owe anyone an explanation but my wife... but... the reason that we are legally seperated and not divorced... is because we are not willing to give up on the marriage just yet. Why? because while i was a moron and kept things from her... i do love her... and am not willing to lose her... to end up 50 yrs old... alone... and have my children hate me. I will not break up my family if its up to me and i am doing the necessary things including a recovery program and medication to ensure i can break this cycle. Oh and by the way i was diagnosed a psociopath at age 13... not as an adult. The psychiatrist i have seen recently? compulsive liar? yes... compulsive spender... yes. Psociopath? not at all. Dont say things you have no idea of and to say i was in two rivers or that id been diagnosed is simply not true. And chandra... you knew darn well i was married from the second day we talked. And krista... you knew i had a computer... it was no secret. Remember nervous rex? the "secret computer" i used to read my lyrics? The same one you used to watch the office on when we'd miss the show? i have done enough real damage and have enough real things to make restitution for and deal with... without having to deal with fake or speculative things. And as far as natalie goes. There will be no other woman... the only thing i'm "moving on" to is working so i can start the process of restitution... and doing everything I can to heal my family.

Administrator said...

Let's see. By your own admission you are, among other things, acompulsive liar. And everyone is supposed to think that NOW you're telling the truth and are changing? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good one!

Unknown said...

I dont exoect anyone to think anything. But what is a recovery program for? Oh yeah... thats right... to aid and help someone get on a path that will break addictions.

Administrator said...

Take that Krista. You said he had a "secret computer". You slanderer you!

Administrator said...

James. Show everyone some proof that you are changing. Tell the complete truth about the robberies. How many are there? Three? Let's hear it. I'll bet Natalie is particularly interested in the truth about the robbery she was subjected to. Let's see how you do with that.

Chandra said...

James.. telling someone you are "legally separated" (meaning you do not live together and have nothing to do with one another) is not the same as being married. And you told me, after you spent a week at Two Rivers, you were a Sociopath, just diagnosed. If I were you.. I would simply sit quietly and take the 12 steps of Recovery seriously, especially #4 and #5.

Krista555 said...

Woah Woah... I just saw this. Priceless.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break, Jimmy! You were saying you were trying to "Change your ways" YEARS ago, when you were living with us!! YEARS ago, before you even met these other wives of yours. I don't think 'changing your ways' includes having an intimate relationship with a woman WHILE you were still married to S!

...don't sit there and say you're trying to start the process of restitution. Those of us who know you, know better! Where's the 50k you owe (one) of your wives? How about the 2k you owe us? How about the apology you OWE my husband? For, gee..I don't know. Maybe for spending 10 years of his life trying to teach you RIGHT FROM WRONG and you clearly don't know the difference! How are you going to make "restitution" on those 10 years, eh cowboy??

You are never, ever going to change!!

The saddest part of all is that I BELIEVED YOU! I supported you, and I ALLOWED you to stay in our home, when my husband TOLD me that you were up to no good. I told him to give you another chance...and he agreed. And no..I wasn't blind. You're just that good at manipulation and deception, and I wouldn't wish you on my worst enemy!

You hurt both of us beyond what your little brain can even comprehend.