Wednesday, February 23, 2011

James is douchier (Is that a word?) than I thought

From the urban dictionary:

douchier - when one person possesses a greater level of douche or douchiness and might quite possibly close to attaining the super douche status.

Yep, it fits...

From the freejinger message board: 

(Posted by person purporting to be James' 3rd wife)

To answer your question:  How do I know that James Ference is the same James Ference that was married to me? Well, let's look at this logically.  The following are things that I know for a fact from what I personally saw/experienced or what James confessed to me. Notice the patterns- both in the types of women he chooses and what he does.

He was married to wife #1- a christian woman who was financially stable. Before wife #1 and he were divorced, he attempted to date Wife #2. Wife #2 found out that he was still married, so she told him she would not date him until the divorce was final. It was only then that he got divorced.   He and Wife #2 started dating and were married...

for rest of post click ------> HERE


Beatrice said...

I know FJ is an open forum, but I don't think it's good form to republish posts from there to this blog. At least, not without permission of the author. Excerpting a post to FJ, or providing a link to a thread is one thing - reproducing the whole thing is another.

Administrator said...

Wasn't aware of that protocol. No biggie. I'll shorten it.